beta launch

hello. this is a metroidvania I have been working on for a quite a while now, and I have decided to publish it to itch to get some feedback from people I know and friends. if you somehow stumbled upon this project, you are also welcome. 

right now, this is just a proof of concept for the base game of my metroidvania.

future goals of this project/known issues; 

-upgrade the pixel art from 8 * 8 per tile to 16 * 16 per tile. right now, I am unsure about some of the story elements/overall style of the game, so I decided to use 8 * 8 for now so I could get a feel for the final look.  I am also testing out several different effects and stuff, so I am just going to generalize and say that you are free to leave feedback on the pixel art, however, know that A lot of it is placeholders. also, the only room at the moment that is fully furbished is the starting room. 

-fix combat knockback/fix combat in general. right now, for some reason the knockback is different for each enemy, as in sometimes the enemy gets knocked back, sometimes you do, sometimes neither. I am aware of this issue and am working on fixing it. however, the rest of the combat feels fluid enough, so I decided to move on. plus, I have some other systems. 

-fix rage system. at the moment, it would appear that this game is a hollow knight clone. which it is. however, I wouldn't have started working on this game just to make a hollow knight clone. one of the features I am excited to implement is the rage system. like hollow knight's soul, when you hit an enemy, you gain rage. the difference is that using rage isn't required to use special moves (edit; yes, you have to have at least 2 rage to use a special move using v in this version, however in the current version on my pc you don't. just know that it is planned) instead, having more rage will let you use the special moves faster, making tight heals possible if you are patient. the system is kind of complicated to explain, and it isn't even fully implemented yet, so I am going to stop talking about it. 

anyways, that is really all I had to say. if you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment here. or, if you can't, you can leave one on the project. don't know if itch lets you put comments here. thank you for reading!


ottercloak beta early 3.2 MB
Nov 18, 2022

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