almost everything has a tooltip. hovering your mouse over almost any symbol, ui, keyword, ect. will create a popup telling you what it does. if something does not display a tooltip, and you don't know what it does, let me know. 

short clicking a card will enlarge it, click it again or click another card to shrink it. 

if you are familiar with roguelike deck builders, you should be able to pick this game up quickly. however, even if you are, here is a quick list of everything unique / nonconventional in this game to the typical roguelike deck builder;

  • world map: selectable locations are circled in green on the map. after you do the action at a location, you will be forced to pick a location across, above or below the previous one. this means you may have to plan ahead!
  • permadeath cards; when one of your cards dies in battle, it's basically gone for good. so, you want to protect cards however you can, recalling them is a good way to do so 
  • cards are your health; instead of having traditional health, you get a game over when you run out of cards in hand, in play and in deck. you win the encounter if you kill all cards in enemy deck. if you don't have cards on the board, enemies will attack the rightmost card in your hand. 
  • IMPORTANT: recalling cards; you can drag a card from the board to your discard pile (top left corner) for the card's price in order to draw a card. this is something you can do with your extra mana to draw fresh cards and protect cards that are important. 
  • attack order; units attack from left to right. cards will attack the card in front of them. if a card has no unit in front of them, it will attack the closest unit, prioritizing the right unit, and if not the closest left unit. 
  • attack priority; when two units are in the same collum, the unit that attacks first is determined by the tailwind. the tailwind is a big icon to the left, if it's green your units will attack first, if it's red the enemies will attack first. if a card dies, it won't get to attack. 

Updated 1 hour ago
Published 23 days ago
GenreCard Game
TagsDeck Building, Roguelike


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good game

can you give me more specific feedback? for example, what did you enjoy and what is somthing that needs to be fixed?

1.novice guide
