
  • close / open map with m. if you get stuck, try going to the empty doorways on your map!
  • jump with spacebar. hold spacebar for longer to jump higher!
  • arrow keys to move. you can also hold up and down while attacking to attack in that direction! 
  • press x to attack. attacking at close range lets you attack more frequently!
  • press w to dash, once you unlock it. use your dash to access hard to reach places! 


this game is still in beta. there are a lot of things I want to rework, however I wanted to get feedback first! 

if you want to chat with me on discord, our discord for this project is here;

also, this game had a previous version. A lot of stuff has been changed since the last one, so I decided to just make it a new project. you can view the previous one here; "feral" metroidvania early beta by CuttingLogic (